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Kasahara, R., Tajiri, R., Kobayashi, K., Yao, M., & Kitami, K. (2019). Squamous Cell Carcinoma Developing from a Testicular Epidermal Cyst: A Case Report and Literature Review. Case Reports in Urology, 2019, 1–3.

Kawahara T, Takeshima T, Miyoshi Y, Nakaigawa N, Yao M, Tanabe M, Uemura H: Long-Term Control of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Using Pazopanib. Case Rep Oncol,12(2):543-547,2019.

Kawahara T, Mochizuki T, Sugimura R, Izumi K, Kuroda S, Miyoshi Y, Nakaigawa N, Yao M, Tanabe M, Uemura H: Successful Resection of Cisplatin-Resistant Renal Pelvic Cancer after the Administration of Pembrolizumab as Second-Line Therapy. Case Rep Oncol,12(2):548-553,2019.

Kawahara T, Miyoshi Y, Yao M, Uemura H: The Achievement of Long-Term CRPC Control in a Patient with Enzalutamide-Induced Nausea and Fatigue after Overcoming the Adverse Events with a Temporary Drug Holiday. Case Rep Oncol,12(2):568-572,2019.

Kawahara T, Takamoto D, Miyoshi Y, Yao M, Uemura H: Inserting a Metallic Ureteral Stent Using an Antegrade Approach Freed a Patient from Nephrostomy Created due to Hydronephrosis Caused by Bladder Cancer. Case Rep Oncol,12(2):560-563,2019.

Kawahara T, Miyoshi Y, Yao M, Uemura H: Changing the Timing of Enzalutamide Intake from Morning to before Sleep at Night Overcame Enzalutamide-Induced Dysgeusia. Case Rep Oncol,12(2):589-594,2019.

Komeya M, Yamanaka H, Sanjo H, Yao M, Nakamura H, Kimura H, Fujii T, Sato T, Ogawa T. In vitro spermatogenesis in two-dimensionally spread mouse testis tissues.Reprod Med Biol,18(4):362-369.2019.

Kuroda S, Kawahara T, Teranishi J, Mochizuki T, Ito H, Uemura H: A case of allograft ureteral stone successfully treated with antegrade ureteroscopic lithotripsy: use of a 3D-printed model to determine the ideal approach.Urolithiasis,47(5):467-471,2019.

Kumano Y, Kawahara T, Mochizuki T, Takamoto D, Takeshima T, Kuroda S, Teranishi JI, Makiyama K, Miyoshi Y, Yumura Y, Yao M, Uemura H: Management of urethral stricture: High-pressure balloon dilation versus optical internal urethrotomy. Low Urin Tract Symptoms, 11(2):034-037,2019.

Kumano Y, Hasegawa Y, Kawahara T, Yasui M, Miyoshi Y, Matsubara N, Uemura H, Pretreatment Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) Predicts Prognosis for Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer Patients Underwent Enzalutamide. Biomed Res Int,2019:ID9450838:2019.

Miyoshi Y, Sakamoto S, Kawahara T, Uemura K, Yokomizo Y, Uemura H:Correlation between Automated Bone Scan Index Change after Cabazitaxel and Survival among Men with Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Urol Int,103(3):279-284,2019.

Miyoshi Y, Ohtaka M, Kawahara T, Ohtake S, Yasui M, Uemura K, Yoneyama S, Yokomizo Y, Uemura H, Miyamoto H, Yao M:Prediction of Time to Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Using Low-Molecular-Weight Protein Tyrosine  Phosphatase Expression for Men with Metastatic Hormone-Naïve Prostate Cancer. Urol Int,102(1):37-42,2019.

Morinaga R, Kawahara T, Kuroda S, Inayama Y, Uemura H:Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor-Producing Bladder Cancer. Case Rep Oncol,12(2):603-607,2019.

Morinaga R, Kawahara T, Miyoshi Y, Yao M, Uemura H: Longer Control of Nivolumab in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease on Dialysis. Case Rep Oncol,12(2):608-612,2019.

Ninomiya S, Kawahara T, Tatenuma T, Miyoshi Y, Miyamoto H, Yao M, Uemura H: Preference for enzalutamide capsules versus tablet pills in patients with prostate cancer.Int J Urol, 26(12):1161-1162,2019.

Shimokihara K, Kawahara T, Kasahara R, Kasuga J, Sugiura S, Tajiri R, Uemura H, Chiba K: IgG4-Producing MALT Lymphoma in the Renal Hilum.Case Rep Oncol,12(3):880-884,2019.

Shimokihara K, Kawahara T, Kasahara R, Kasuga J, Sugiura S, Tajiri R, Uemura H, Chiba K: Retroperitoneal Castleman’s Disease. Case Rep Oncol, 12(3):885-889,2019.

Sugimura R, Kawahara T, Miyoshi Y, Yao M, Chiba S, Uemura H: A Case of Switching from GnRH Agonist to Antagonist for Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer Control.Case Reports in Oncology, 12(3):688-692,2019.

Tabei T: Editorial Comment to Functional paraganglioma of the bladder: Both radiographic-negative and laboratory-negative case IJU Case Reports,2(4):177-178,2019. 

Tabei T,Horiguchi A,Kobayashi K: Complicated bulbar urethral stricture successfully treated using augmented anastomotic urethroplasty. A case report, IJU Case Reports,2(5):292-295,2019.

Tabei T, Nakaigawa N, Kaneta T, Ikeda I, Kondo K, Makiyama K, Hasumi H, Hayashi N, Kawahara T, Izumi K, Osaka K, Muraoka K, Teranishi JI, Miyoshi Y, Yumura Y, Uemura H, Kobayashi K, Inoue T, Yao M:Early assessment with (18)F-2-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography to predict short-term outcome in clear cell renal carcinoma treated with nivolumab. BMC Cancer,19(1):298,2019.

Takeshima T, Usui K, Mori K, Asai T, Yasuda K, Kuroda S, Kawahara T, Miyoshi Y, Uemura H, Yumura Y:Sperm cryopreservation for fertility preservation in male patients with cancer. Global Reprod Health,4(4):34,2019.

Takeshima T, Kuroda S, Yumura Y: Cancer Chemotherapy and Chemiluminescence Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species in Human Semen. Antioxidants (Basel),8(10):449,2019.

Tatenuma T, Kawahara T, Hayashi N, Hasumi H, Makiyama K, Nakaigawa N, Kishida T, Miyoshi Y, Yao M, Uemura H:The Pretherapeutic Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio for Docetaxel-Based Chemotherapy Is Useful for Predicting the Prognosis of Japanese Patients with Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Biomed Res Int, 2019 ,ID2535270,5page,2019.

Uemura H, Uemura H, Nagamori S, Wakumoto Y, Kimura G, Kikukawa H, Yokomizo A, Mizokami A, Kosaka T, Masumori N, Kawasaki Y, Yonese J, Nasu Y, Fukasawa S, Sugiyama T, Kinuya S, Hosono M, Yamaguchi I, Akagawa T, Matsubara N:Three-year follow-up of a phase II study of radium-223 dichloride in Japanese patients with symptomatic castration-resistant prostate cancer and bone metastase. Int J Clin Oncol,24(5):557-566,2019.

Yasui M, Kawahara T, Izumi K, Yao M, Ishiguro Y, Ishiguro H, Uemura H, Miyoshi Y: Androgen receptor mRNA expression is a predictor 
for recurrence-free survival in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. BMC Cancer,19(1):331,2019.

Yasui M, Kawahara T, Takamoto D, Izumi K, Uemura H, Miyamoto H: Distribution of androgen receptor expression in the urinary bladder. Int J Urol,26(2):305-306,2019.

浅井拓雄,小高久和,浅野 潤,古目谷暢,松崎純一:困難な腎結石をECIRSで克服する.Japanese Journal of Endourology, 32:1-3,2019.

岩本源太,竹島徹平, 黒田晋之介, 湯村 寧, 上村博司:不妊を契機に発見された多精巣症の1例. 泌尿器科紀要,65(10):425-427,2019.

梅本 晋, 野口 剛, 堤 壮吾, 小林 幸太, 逢坂 公人, 岸田 健:末梢血リンパ球数は尿路上皮癌化学療法における効果および予後予測因子である.日本泌尿器科学会,110(3):160-167,2019.

黒田晋之介, 臼井公紹, 森 亘平, 保田賢吾, 浅井拓雄, 三條博之,山中弘行,竹島徹平,加藤喜健, 湯村 寧: 当院における低ゴナドトロピン性男子性腺機能低下症の検討. 泌尿器外科,32(9):1177-1181, 2019.

小泉充之,西村玲応奈,藤川 敦:尿管ステント・尿道カテーテルによる経尿道的ドレナージにて改善した気腫性腎盂腎炎と気腫性膀胱炎の併発例. 泌尿器外科, 32:1307-1310, 2019.

古目谷 暢, 松崎純一. 尿路結石エンドウロロジー 最近の現場から 最近のTUL. 泌尿器外科,32:(臨):701-703,2019.

古目谷 暢, 小川毅彦, 矢尾正祐:泌尿器科領域における基礎研究の成果In vitro精子形成システムの開発.泌尿器外科,32(臨):592-594,2019.
柴田洋佑,安井将人,田尻下紘直,古屋一裕,舩橋 亮,太田純一,小野響子:乳癌の腫瘍内転移をきたした腎細胞癌の一例.日本泌尿器科学会, 110(4):239-243, 2019.


蓼沼知之,村岡研太郎,軸屋良介,橋爪章仁,安井将人,水野伸彦,梅本 晋,河合 正記,岸田 健:GC療法による膀胱癌術前抗がん剤治療の有効性の検討 

術前抗がん剤の効果による予後予測. 臨床泌尿器科,73:401-407,2019.

堤 壮吾, 大久保 陽一郎, 滝沢 明利, 安井 将人, 野口 剛, 梅本 晋, 加藤 晃史, 岸田 健:ニボルマブによる間質性肺炎発症後も有効性が維持されている転移性腎癌の一例.日本泌尿器科学会,110(2):124-128,2019.

寺西淳一,杉村留実子,森永亮太,望月 拓,高本大路,河原崇司,上村博司:導入免疫抑制療法に抗ヒト胸腺細胞ウサギ免疫グロブリンを使用した既存抗体陽性腎移植の1例.腎と透析,86(別冊) 腎不全外科2019,75-78,2019.

望月 拓, 寺西淳一, 高本大路, 河原崇司, 上村博司:当院における先行的腎移植の検討.腎と透析,86(別冊)腎不全外科2019,72-74,2019.

山中弘行,三條博之,小川毅彦:精巣組織の培養.HOROMONE FRONTIER IN GYNECOLOGY,26(2):55-59, 2019.

吉田 実 : 経尿道的腎尿管砕石術における尿管アクセスシース径の違いによる結石体積と手術時間との関係についての検討. Japanese Journal of Endourology,32(1):111-115,2019.




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